
Sharing the Skies and Heavens...
Sure, it was too small to understand much about space research, but that experience marked my life. When someone asked me what my dream job when you were an adult, I pointed to the sky. I do not know whether he was Astronomer or pastor or both.

In my teens, when my parents divorced, it was astronomy that gave me an outlet. At this time, I got a bible and made my first research on texts related to astronomy. That's when I met Jesus and discovered that God had created the universe and man with a purpose - to glorify Him.

Activite in Cantagalo, Rio de Janeiro

In 1984, I began to give interviews to newspapers and radios broadcastings  with only 18 years old. In 1986, mobilized over 13 thousand people on the observation of Comet Halley in the town of Três Rios . Rio de Janeiro.

In 1988, I realize my dream to study astronomy at university. But it was when God touched my heart to my call to the ministry of Baptist Pastor.
I discovered very early the great lack of theologians who don´t know science and scientists who don´t know theology. It was a great discovery for my ministry - to use my knowledge and love of astronomy to open doors to share the truths of the Bible and the Lord's purpose for our lives.

In an unique day around 1,500 youths reached
in a Major Catholic Schooll in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso.
The Lord in His faithfulness has blessed me greatly. He put people and opportunities to bless my life. In 2000, a missionary from USA invited me to meet NASA - may seem minor, but a pastor of a small church with an average salary go meet NASA's something fantastic. The best was when my USVISA was denied - everyone knows that there is no review visa denials - But with prayer and my Curriculum to the consulate, my US VISA was cleared for 10 years.
These 10 years of contact with the USA made me grow in knowledge, friendships and opportunities in the Pastoral Ministry  and creationism. In 2007, friends in Jacksonville blessed me and my wife to go to KSC in Orlando.

Learning at Haggai Institute - Maui,HI
One of the great opportunity was being invited with all expenses paid to attend the International Leadership Advanced Training  by Haggai Institute in Maui Island, Hawaii in 2006. Near to the training center there is a volcano with the U.S. Navy Observatory - - You can read about this history clicking here in this link.

I am currently serving as Ombudsman SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EDUCATION OF MATO GROSSO which coordinates 750 schools of 141 cities. However, this is not a steady job. We call a position of political committee, which can be turned off for any time.
During my time of influence, suggested the construction of the First State Planetarium, which was accepted by the Agency Project for the World Cup 2014. I was invited to record a TV show about astronomy on television as volunteers of the State Legislative Assembly´s TV.
Share him´s dream with Policitians
But people are not always exemplary remember who makes suggestions. There are strong indications that my name be forgotten as those who drafted the project of the Planetarium. This is why it is that the design of the Centre for Astronomy prevent falling into the hands of evolutionists.

Left, i and Deputy Sergio Ricardo talking about my project to First State Planetarium in Mato Grosso, Brazil. (In T-shirt, this words "Lord Created... I like to see and preserve"