sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010

Project "Astronomy with Purpose"

RDM Magazine - The Mato Grosso Best Magazine with an
interview about my dream.
The Project "Astronomy with a Purpose" maybe can´t be understood by some peoples. We still live in days that many people confuse the science astronomy with not science astrology . Moreover, there are pastors who do not want to work in science, believing that the pastor only place is in the Church.

But around the world increases the influence of the gospel everywhere. We have soccers players, F1 pilots, artists, politicians ... all servants of Jesus. Why not science?

Even in the face of criticism,I´m  working  in this two areas - religious and scientific - for 29 years. I waited and wasted too much time trying to encourage the political environment to deploy an observatory with a vision to serve the community, especially to younger generations.

Now, I decided to involve all my efforts, prayers, actions, influence on a project that uses all the knowledge of ministry and leadership, achieved with the blessing of God and the people who was invested in my life.

Just an example how this can be after finish

In this simple blog, I put a little bit of information about my life. You'll see that I am not  a curious and not wanting to give a spamers a financial blow. I'm a real man, father, leader and dreamer, who enlists the help of the Creator and a network of friends to complete this project by December 2012.
In 2013, we have the first soccers game  before the 2014 World Cup in Cuiaba, and the observatory will be a few extra attractions to attract people in reach then with creationism message.
Feel free to ask me something i wasn´t explicit. Use this ways:
E-mail: astronomo@eduardobaldaci.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/eduardobaldaci
Twitter: http://twitter.com/eduardobaldaci
Know more about Mato Grosso:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mato_Grosso

Cell Phone +55 65 9212 89 35

quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010

Our budget

Coronado to see the Solar Cycle in next 11years
Coronado PST <.6 Personal Solar
Telescope with A SolarMax 40 Filter U$ 400

Filters to see Planets details
Meade Deep Sky Imager Pro II,
Monochrome CCD Camera with
Autostar Suite Software &
 RGB Color Filter Set. U$ 570

Camera to share images to TV channels
The Imaging Source 1024 x 768 High
Resolution FireWire Color Telescope Camera $ 400


A Telescope with power to see and share too more...
Meade 12" (305mm) f/10 LX90-SC Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope with UHTC Coatings, 8 x 50 Viewfinder
$ 3,000

Our Budget

American Airlines Air Tickets -
Cuiaba - New York - Cuiaba                                  $ 2628,00
Telescope                                                               $ 3000,00
Color Camera                                                         $   400,00
Filter                                                                       $   540,00
Coronado                                                               $   400,00
New York Taxes 8,625%                                    $   360,00
Brazilian Import Taxes (50%)                            $ 1500,00

Taxi - Airport/Hotel/Airport                                   $   200,00
Hotel                                                                     $ 1105,00
Alimentation                                                          $   400,00
Bagage excess                                                      $   450,00

 Amount total                                                     $ 10983,00