quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010

Our budget

Coronado to see the Solar Cycle in next 11years
Coronado PST <.6 Personal Solar
Telescope with A SolarMax 40 Filter U$ 400

Filters to see Planets details
Meade Deep Sky Imager Pro II,
Monochrome CCD Camera with
Autostar Suite Software &
 RGB Color Filter Set. U$ 570

Camera to share images to TV channels
The Imaging Source 1024 x 768 High
Resolution FireWire Color Telescope Camera $ 400


A Telescope with power to see and share too more...
Meade 12" (305mm) f/10 LX90-SC Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope with UHTC Coatings, 8 x 50 Viewfinder
$ 3,000

Our Budget

American Airlines Air Tickets -
Cuiaba - New York - Cuiaba                                  $ 2628,00
Telescope                                                               $ 3000,00
Color Camera                                                         $   400,00
Filter                                                                       $   540,00
Coronado                                                               $   400,00
New York Taxes 8,625%                                    $   360,00
Brazilian Import Taxes (50%)                            $ 1500,00

Taxi - Airport/Hotel/Airport                                   $   200,00
Hotel                                                                     $ 1105,00
Alimentation                                                          $   400,00
Bagage excess                                                      $   450,00

 Amount total                                                     $ 10983,00

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