quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

Astronomy with Purpose, you still have time to help !

Griffith Observatory
The project which began with the focus of acquiring a telescope, has grown into much larger targets. With sponsorship from Celestron, a CPC 1100 was donated. Calls appeared to know the three observatories in the JPL and the Los Angeles area, and attend a star party in the garden of the Griffith Observatory.

Far beyond what an amateur astronomer could dream! 
 However, being a challenge that can not be lost, as there were only a cash donation online through our website, the solution was to find sponsors.

Even so, the entire trip, including all expenses, is something around U$ 5000.00. We still need all possible help and sponsorship. We are also open to receive donations of used equipment from California amateurs.

CPC 1100 donated by Celestron

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